Friday, February 5, 2010

Mack- a-doodle

Mack the puppy has discontinued his interest in chickens. For that I am thankful. He is actually turning out to be a pleasant little dog. He IS a puppy which means that he is naturally annoying, but nothing can be done about that. We have concluded that he is most likely a burnese mountain dog/ australian shephard mutt. He greatly resembles a burnese mountain dog, though. We have no idea how big he'll get....but we are guessing he'll be around the sixty pound mark (God, don't let him be much bigger than that.) Not that I am adverse to big dogs. Dan is 103 pounds....the thing is that he doesn't move unless he WANTS to move. It can be a problem.

I had forgotten what it is like to have a dog who is THRILLED to be my companion. Jules is my dog, always will be my dog, but she has the attitude of a cat. "I'm going to be taking a nap in here. You can come pet me....or you can not. Doesn't matter." Dan is Jason's baby, he has been since day one. He likes me, but I can poop in my hat if Jason is around. Mack follows me...well, he follows me around like a puppy. I like his companionship. There is nothing like getting up to go to the bathroom at three in the morning and having a little dog be absoluteley ECSTATIC to see that you are up. "Hey! You are up! Yay! Wanna play? Wanna play? Wanna Play?"
My answer is usually: "GO LAY DOWN! You are going to wake a baby." seems that Mack has found his forever home here on Dammit Farms. He's an accidental acquisition....but so were my kids ;-)

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