Monday, March 10, 2008

R.I.P. Dan's Balls

Dan got the clip, which was long overdue, two weeks ago. Now he just has a sad little coin purse that dangles between his legs. He went to the vet weighing one hundred pounds and came home weighing ninety-five. He hasn't changed a bit, other than the loss of anatomy. The same wild beast that went to the vet came back every bit as wild, which is fine. I had gone round and round with my husband over the subject of neutering Dan for some time. Finally Jason caved, because he knew I was right the entire time. To celebrate I've written Dan's balls a haiku poem:

Frijoles, or beans
swelled to great furry apples
then came the harvest

My baby boy Bluetick..Dan

Danny Boy when his apples were just beans


The Rose Queen said...

Come on now, Dan can have fun and not worry about any puppies of his being out there, It's all good. BTW you have a beautiful dog.

Alabaster Mom said...

Dan, to you I say "BAROOOOOOO!"